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The Scandal Of Particularity: God’s Love For Us

Among all the claims made throughout history, the Christian proclamation is the most beautiful and daring: the God who created us is so deeply in love with us that He chose to take on the very same human nature He gifted us with. The Incarnation is the ultimate expression of divine intimacy, an act of love so profound that it scandalizes human expectations. This is not a distant, impersonal deity, but a God who desires to relate to us on our level, in our very flesh.

This love is not an abstraction or an ideal—it is as real and concrete as our own bodies. The Christian faith does not present God as an impersonal force or a mere watchmaker of the universe, but as a personal, loving Father who formed each of us uniquely. The specificity of our existence—our fingerprints, our faces, our unrepeatable identities—reflects a divine intentionality. No human being is an accident; each of us is created with purpose and particularity.

His love is not generic or collective in a way that dissolves the individual; rather, He loves us in the particularity of who we are. This divine romance is written in the Incarnation itself: Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was born of a specific woman, in a particular time and place. He walked among us, laughed, suffered, and ultimately died a unique death for love of us.


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